The families of Sepideh Gholiyan and Esmaeil Bakhshi have managed to briefly visit them. Both have been seriously injured and are under physical and psychological torture.
They are being kept in solitary confinement and are even denied knowledge of the time of day.
Sepideh Gholiyan has lost lots of weight. She felt pain when her mother hugged her.
Esmaeil Bakhshi, who was in a critical condition, smiled when he heard about all the support he had received.
The report was released on the Telegram channel of Haft Tapeh workers. It ends with the condemnation of the treatment of Esmaeil and Sepideh and demands their immediate and unconditional release. The workers blame the government for the torture, abuse and assault and hold the heads of the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran accountable for their well-being.
The workers are deeply worried about the life of Esmaeil and Sepideh and call on all workers of Haft Tapeh, Iran and the world, as well as on all international labour organisations and relevant media to do what they can to free Esmaeil Bakhshi, Sepideh Gholiyan and Ali Nejati (another workers’ representative and leader).
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