On 14th November 2018, workers of sugar cane factory Haft Tapeh and their families in Khuzestan province, Iran, marched towards the governor’s office and held their assembly there.
The workers and their families called for unity with workers of other industries and support from society for the striking workers and their demands.
“Last year this time we went on strike and came to the corporation and managed to get our three months of unpaid wages. Now after one year it’s evident that all the promises of the governor and provincial governor were empty. We asked for the dismissal of Mr Afshar, who was one of the leaders in the embezzlement, and that happened too. We managed all of that with our own power.” said the wife of a striking worker at the assembly which was welcomed with cheering and clapping. At the end of the speech, she called on all workers’ organisations in Iran who also suffer from poverty to join the strike. She also thanked workers of Haft Tapeh for inviting the families to their assembly.
Some of the demands of the Haft Tapeh workers that were agreed on in the Workers’ Public Assembly are:
- Abolishment of private ownership of the corporation
- An end to the system of embezzlement, theft and financial corruption
- Restart of production lines
- Providing job security
- Running of the corporation under supervision of the Workers’ Council
- Immediate payment of unpaid wages
- Safety in the workplace
- Permanent contracts
#WPIranNews #FightForLife #SugarCaneWorkers #WorkersCouncil #AbolishmentOfPrivateOwnership
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