On 11th March 2019, Esmaeil Bakhshi’s mother, along with dozens of workers held an assembly in front of the security office of the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Corporation. They then marched towards the office of its board of directors and protested against Esmaeil’s continued detention.
The protest has been widely discussed in Haft Tapeh and the workers debate ways of how to fight for Esmaeil’s freedom and for their other demands which have not been met.
The judiciary has ignored all efforts from the families of Esmaeil Bakhshi and Sepideh Gholyian as well as all the assemblies and protests. The Syndicate of Workers of Haft Tapeh has issued a statement supporting the protest of Esmaeil Bakhshi’s mother in Haft Tapeh.
The statements also says:
“The detention of Esmaeil Bakhshi must end. Esmaeil is neither a criminal nor an accused. Esmaeil is a workers’ representative and has put himself at risk by defending workers and justice. We must be able to free Esmaeil with our mass protests. Esmaeil has never been alone and he is not alone now either. Esmaeil is the voice of millions of justice-seeking workers and their families. He chanted the slogan “Bread, work, freedom” along with you. He told the owners of capital to end the rightlessness. We want bread and we want freedom so that no one is imprisoned for demanding bread. And he announced that we want work, that means no one has the right to put our jobs at risk and fire us.”
The Haft Tapeh Syndicate calls on the workers to continue and expand their protests for Esmaeil Bakhshi’s release, for job security and payment of unpaid wages.
Sugar cane #workers of Haft Tapeh in #Iran march with Esmaeil Bakhshi’s mother for his freedom #WPIranNews, #FightForLife, Esmaeil Bakhshi,#JailedWorkers #WorkersProtest #HaftTapeh #SugarCaneWorkers
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