More international support for striking truck drivers in Iran as the strike expands to 60 cities


On 4th November 2018, seven days after the truck drivers’ resumed their strike in Iran, it expanded to 65 cities.

“I report to you from Bandar Abbas port. Despite the fact that news about the strike hasn’t been widely delivered, this place used to be full of trucks but now it’s very quiet. Our strike and protest is to free our dear colleagues who have been arrested.” writes a striking driver.

In the previous strike, 262 drivers were arrested and 17 have been threatened with execution which was strongly condemned by the international workers’ community. The most recent support for the drivers in Iran comes from the United Road Transport Union in the UK and the Union of Transport Services in Germany.


#WPIranNews #FightForLife #TruckDriversStrike #FreeImprisonedWorkers


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