On 24th December 2014, workers of Moghan Agro-industrial and Animal Husbandry Company held an assembly to protest the sale of their workplace to a private owner and to object to the working conditions as well as to express their worries about their future.
On 21st December 2018, it was announced that Moghan Agro-industrial and Animal Husbandry Company had been sold to the Shirin Asal Food Industrial Group which is owned by a billionaire and is run privately.
After several months of discussions over the sale of Moghan Agro-industrial and Animal Husbandry Company, the authorities finally came to an agreement to sell the company to Shirin Asal.
The owner of Shirin Asal Food Industrial Group is Mr Younes Jaele who is known for mobilising special armed forces against the workers of his company.
The sale of Moghan Agro-industrial and Animal Husbandry Company to the private sector and to an individual such as Mr Jaele worries the workers who have already lost a lot.
Over the past years, the state-run company dismissed 10,000 workers to make it attractive to private investors. The remaining 5,000 workers are already under lots of pressure and carry out the job that used to be done by 15,000 workers. Given the reputation of the new owner, the workers protest to prevent more poverty, more dismissals, and even worse “slave-like” working conditions.
The authorities worry that Moghan’s workers could create unrest and draw attention to their situation just as the workers of Haft Tapeh and Ahvaz have done. The workers are already aware that they must involve their families and mobilise society the same way the workers in Khuzestan province have done.
#WPIranNews #FightForLife # MoghanAgroIndustrial #WorkersProtest #Privatisation
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