The people of Iran say:
We not only refuse to participate in the government elections; we want to overthrow the Islamic Republic!
The 13th presidential elections in Iran are scheduled for June 18. In Iran, elections have no meaning because there is not the slightest trace of political freedom, freedom of the press or the freedom to form political parties. All opposition political parties and activities are banned. Thousands of opposition figures and activists have been executed, assassinated or imprisoned. Every four years, the government puts its own candidates, after passing through its various filters, to the people and asks them to vote. Even most of the people closest to the Islamic Republic do not pass through this filter. The filtering authorities, under Khamenei’s direct supervision, periodically put up a list of some of the most criminal members of the government and ask people to vote for them. In previous elections, tens of millions of people didn’t take part in the election shows. This time, however, the voices of the people are louder than ever. The justice-seeking families of the victims of the Islamic Republic have fearlessly announced: “Our vote is the overthrow the regime”! Those voices resonate more and more in the society every day.
What the Iranian people expect from you, the people of the world, is your support in their struggle to overthrow the despised, isolated and terrorist regime of the Islamic Republic; a regime that has imposed gender apartheid on Iranian society. Especially after the killing of 1,500 young protesters in November 2019 and the deliberate shooting down of Ukrainian passenger flight PS752, killing all the 176 people onboard, this regime has come to be known as the most ruthless regime in the world. This government does not represent the Iranian people; it is their killer.
We expect you to support the struggle of the Iranian people for political and social freedoms and welfare, and to call on governments to sever any political and diplomatic ties with the Islamic regime and to boycott it so that the Iranian people can more easily remove it from power. The world would be a safer place without a murderous, corrupt, anti-woman, anti-child, anti-worker, anti-civilisation and anti-human government such as the Islamic Republic.
Worker-communist Party of Iran – Organisation Abroad
1 June 2021
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