As expected, despite the mass boycott of the so-called presidential election, the Iranian regime has declared Ebrahim Raisi as the victor of its election farce. From our point of view, however, what triumphed was the people’s vote for the overthrow of the regime. What triumphed was the people’s big ‘No!’ to the Islamic Republic. What triumphed was the unity of the people for toppling the Islamic Republic. We congratulate the people of Iran on this victory.
Over the past few weeks and days, people clearly spoke out. They not only boycotted the sham election, but also shouted that their vote was the overthrow of the regime. The Islamic regime’s shameless lies that people “passionately took part in the election” cannot hide its humiliating defeat. The victor today was the people who took over the streets and the social media to serve their indictment against the system. The victor was the people who inside Iran with the slogan “My vote is the overthrow of the regime” overturned the regime’s election circus, and who around the world with scores of protests laid siege to its deserted polling stations. We the people won, and so became more prepared for a revolution whose aim is the overthrow of the regime and the building of a free and equal society.
As we have repeatedly said before, the Islamic Republic is not and has never been the representative of the people of Iran. It is their killer and the destroyer of their lives. In the absence of any political and civil freedoms in Iran, neither the rigged election, nor its results is acceptable. Our demand from international bodies and states is that they do not recognise this election and its result, just as they did not recognise last month’s rigged Syrian election. The world once again heard the voice of the people of Iran and their determination for toppling the Islamic Republic. Giving recognition to this sham and massively boycotted election and its result would be to throw dust in the eyes of the people.
Like the apartheid regime in South Africa, the Islamic regime in Iran should be boycotted for its numerous crimes against the people and for destroying their lives. The very appointment as President of a notorious executioner, someone who was a member of the 1988 “Death Commission” with a direct role in the massacre of thousands of political prisoners, and under whose tenure as the head of the judiciary hundreds of people, including children, were massacred in the November 2019 protests, with thousands of others jailed and tortured, is another testament that this regime must be placed under a world boycott. Raisi and the other leaders of this regime should be indicted and prosecuted under international laws and conventions.
The Worker-communist Party of Iran once gain sends its greetings to the people who over the past few weeks and days passionately came out against the Islamic murderers. The movement to overthrow the regime took big steps forward, throwing the regime into a deeper crisis. The next step is the overthrow of the regime. Unite, so that with our revolution we can bring down one of the most criminal regimes in history; so that on the ruins of this inhuman system we can build a human society. Victory belongs to the people of Iran.
Worker-communist Party of Iran
19 June 2021
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