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Did you know that a monumental battle is being waged between the Islamic state and the Iranian women who are fighting for equality—a battle that, far from being limited to the women, involves the larger part of Iranian society and against which the Islamic Republic is in despair?
Did you know that the veil (hijab) is compulsory and thousands of women have been expelled from work, arrested, and flogged for not observing the Islamic veil and related regulations, but that the level of disobedience is so high that only last year three million women received warnings and up to nine thousand were detained in relation to hijab?
Did you know that the Islamic Republic by invoking Islamic law has created sexual apartheid, segregating women and men in schools, universities, buses, etc., but that they mix more than ever before, going against the arbitrary restrictions?
Did you know that marrying the girl child is allowed at thirteen, with parental consent and the ruling of the Islamic court, at nine, and marrying one’s adopted daughter is declared legal, but that marriageable age increases by the day and people come increasingly closer to Western standards?
Did you know that a daughter cannot marry without the consent of the father, and cannot divorce without the consent of the husband, but that meanwhile partnership without marriage, called “white marriage” is catching on rapidly, and according to government statistics ninety one and a half percent of young men and women have sexual relationships that according to the government are strictly forbidden?
Did you know that entering sports arenas to watch a football match is forbidden for women but that women form protest gatherings outside the stadiums, causing havoc dividing the Islamic law makers?
Did you know that women are not allowed to sing, they cannot become judges, and a woman’s testimony (allowed only in relation to felony or minor crimes) counts for half that of a man; that she inherits half the share of male offspring,
Is harshly discriminated against in employment and wages, but that these disgusting inequalities are contested in every form and at every step?
Did you know that women stood up against religious discrimination from the very inception of the Islamic Republic and many thousands demonstrated on 8 March 1979, a few weeks after the Islamic Republic had come into existence, against Khomeini’s decree for compulsory veil, and challenging the Islamic reaction continues incessantly by progressive men and women up until now?
Did you know that no less than twenty six nationwide governmental institutions were allocated the task of making women succumb to hijab and its related regulations and up to two to three million women were warned, imprisoned and fined annually, but that defying Islamic laws and regulations spreads by the day?
Did you know that not that long ago organized governments gangs, provoked by Friday prayer preachers, threw acid into the faces of “badly veiled” women, in order to intimidate, but they were met with immediate and resolute reactions and huge demonstrations of protesting women and men and were forced to withdraw?
Did you know that a large number of women and men have been stoned to death for extramarital relationships, but that extensive opposition in Iran as well as internationally forced the Islamic Republic into a de facto suspension of this practice and it no longer dares to continue with this punishment?
Did you know that women are on the front line of the struggle against the Islamic Republic? That Neda Aghasoltan, the twenty seven year old girl who was shot dead by government agents in the protest demonstrations of millions of Iranians in the summer of 2009, was turned into a symbol of the courage of Iranian women in the struggle against Islamic reaction?
Did you know that despite gender segregation in educational environments and barring girls from entering certain fields and other restrictions the number of female university students exceeds that of male students and Iranian universities have turned into the battle field against gender segregation, discrimination, and lack of rights of girl students?
Did you know that Ayatollahs and governmental officials of all colors and hues repeatedly express their anxiety about the embracement of Western culture and values by women and the youth, but that they’re powerless in preventing people’s preference for modern and progressive values?
Did you know that despite governmental restrictions various ceremonies are held every year to celebrate International Women’s Day, and progressive men and women hold meetings and marches demanding complete equality between men and women and the abolition of misogynous laws?
Did you know that Iranian society is steeped in an anti-religious and religious- free movement against the Islamic state and misogynous and religious injustices?
Did you know that the position of women in the Iranian public opinion in no way corresponds to the laws of the Islamic Republic and in people’s minds women are entitled to a different position, freedom, dignity, and respect?
And, did you know that the vast majority of the Iranian people yearn to get rid of the Islamic Republic, and show in every possible way how much they detest this abominable misogynous and inhumane system?
The struggle against the Islamic Republic and its overthrow is an important link in the liberation of women in the entire Middle East and an inspiration for women the world over.
Support the struggle of the righteous women and men in Iran and in other Islam-afflicted countries! Show your solidarity with their courageous struggle and condemn the Islamic Republic for sexual apartheid and systematic oppression of women!
Worker-communist Party of Iran,
February 2016
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