The long-running and strong strike of the Haft Tapeh sugar cane workers in Khuzestan province, Iran, that mobilised society has left the Islamic Republic in such a desperate situation that it sent out its mercenaries to confront the striking workers.
On 2nd December 2018, groups from different organisations of the Islamic regime – that included members of the Islamic Majles (parliament), leaders of the Friday prayer, members of student Basij, representatives of the judiciary and armed police – in cooperation with the new general director of the corporation, Mr Kazemi, appeared in front of the workers in the workplace. They have also organised a group of their mercenaries.
With the group and some of the workers who didn’t feel that they could continue to strike due to the financial pressure, the representatives of the regime and the new general director announced the end of the strike. Ilna, the regime’ media organisation echoed the news.
A larger group of the workers refused to go back to work and continued the strike. They try to bring back unity among all the workers. In the past few days the workers have been discussing the matter and will make a final decision collectively.
So far it is clear that all the workers, including the ones who were not able to continue to strike, are all in agreement over their demands.
Despite the that fact that Islamic Republic arrested Esmaeil Bakhshi, the brave and vigilant leader of the workers, and Ali Nejati, the famous personality and secretary of the Haft Tapeh union, they couldn’t break the strike and had to bring in their mercenaries and make promises to the workers. Some of these promises are the payment of their unpaid wages, change of the contracts from one month to six months and reviewing the case of Esmaeil Bakhshi.
#WPIranNews #FightForLife #SugarCaneWorkers #WorkersAndThePeople #ImprisonedWorker
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