The World should Rid of Islamic Terrorism Immediately!
Less than a year after the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, on November 13, Islamic terrorists yelling “Allah Akbar” massacred people in a coffee shop, a concert hall, and a stadium. Up to this moment, 153 people have been killed and more than 200 injured, some of which are in serious conditions. ISIL has claimed the responsibility for this crime.
The barbaric massacre of Paris is the continuation of hundreds of massacres and terrorists attacks done by Islamic forces, which have been on the rise from the moment that the Islamic Republic seized political power in Iran and is being continued by Sunni and Shia bandits all round the world. This is not the first crime of Islamic forces and it will not be the last.
As long as the regimes such as Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic are in power, as long as Russia and the West with the aim of expanding their area of influence and actualizing their inhuman goals support such regimes and need such religious and ethnicist forces and keep arming them, as long as the states of the world flirt with political Islam and welcome their leaders such as the heads of the Islamic Republic and Saudi Arabia with red carpets, forces such as ISIL, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah and other Islamic bands will keep on beheading people, enslaving women, shooting school children, and drowning the world in blood!
The Worker-communist Party of Iran sincerely console with the families and friends of the victims and the people of Paris and strongly condemns this atrocious attack. The world can and should get rid of Islamic terrorism. In order to cut the roots of this bloody movement, people of the world should stand by the people of Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq and the millions who have been the victims of Islamic barbarism and who contempt this savagery.
Worker-communist Party of Iran
November 13, 2015
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