Photo: 9th Congress of WPI, 18-19 October 2014
WPI is a party with distinct goals, programs, policies, and extended activities, known to large sectors of the population. More comprehensive information about the party can be obtained by consulting party documents, literature, and ongoing activities. In the present text we attempt to provide a sketchy summery of the goals and activities of the party.
WPI was officially launched on November 30, 1991. The history of the activities of the forces that came together in the WPI, however, goes back to many years before this date.
Working class socialism in Iran is, to a large extent, a product of the February 1979 revolution, in the course of which the Iranian working class entered the arena of political struggle on a large scale. By forming the workers’ councils, fighting for worker participation and the expansion of workers’ rights, and through the protests of the unemployed, the working class became extensively active. During this period an emergent social mobility prepared the ground and created an atmosphere for the upsurge of Marx’s revolutionary criticism of capitalist society. This profound Marxist criticism, known as revolutionary Marxism, was represented by the organization of Unity of Communist Militants. The views of UCM were accepted by the Revolutionary Organization of the Toilers of Iranian Kurdistan—Komala—and sections of other left forces of the time. Finally, in September 1983, the Communist Party of Iran was formed through the merging of the Organization of the Unity of Communist Militants, the Revolutionary Organization of the Toilers of Iranian Kurdistan, as well as fractions of revolutionary Marxism that already existed in various Communist organizations.
The outcome of the presence of the Communist Party of Iran in the political arena was that the Islamic Republic, despite its sweeping attack on revolutionary left forces and the massacre of the Communists, failed in its attempt to wipe it out. In addition to being the forefront of resistance to the raving Islamic regime, the party succeeded in constantly maintaining the pressure of the radical program and demands of the working class on the entire range of the bourgeois opposition of the Islamic Republic.
Towards the end of the 1980’s, alongside the intensification of the crisis of bourgeois socialism and the dissolution of the Eastern bloc, an extensive assault on Communism and the liberating ideals of the working class was set in motion. Under these circumstances, the Communist Party of Iran, for all its achievements, was, for various reasons, not a suitable instrument in defending Communism. Another party was needed to respond to these circumstances and to successfully advance Communist struggle. While the world bourgeoisie, rejoicing in victory, sounded the bugle of the end to Communism and all egalitarian ideals, we raised the banner of the defense of Marxism and humane and liberating ideals by forming the Worker-communist Party of Iran. The presence of the WPI on today’s political scene is a clear indication of the strength of the social movement of the working class and the dynamism of working class Communism the world over.
WPI endeavors for the creation of a humane world and a free and equal society by means of organizing the social revolution. The basic goals and immediate demands of the WPI are fully expressed in the party program, i.e. in “A Better World.” The party works for bringing about freedom, equality, the workers’ state, and the immediate establishment of a socialist republic in Iran.
Our party is the political organization of people who struggle against the Islamic Republic and are against the inequality and powerlessness of human beings under the banner of freedom and equality. The goals of our effort are the innermost wishes of millions of people. The WPI struggles to achieve these goals: the end to wage exploitation and enslavement; enjoyment of the boon of life for all; the allocation of the material resources of society to the welfare and comfort of all citizens; people’s freedom from the shackles of prejudice and superstition; separation of religion and state; termination of the influence of religion on people’s lives; abolition of sexual discrimination; complete equality of men and women; the freedom of opinion, expression, and organization; reduction of working hours; increase in wages; adequate unemployment benefits for all the unemployed; free education and health care; housing provisions; improvements in public services, …coupled with the control of the workers and the public in securing these demands.
To fully achieve our goals, our party relies on the strength of the working class to avail itself of political power. The party tries to rally the revolting people against the Islamic Republic around the socialist banner of the working class and become the leader of the people’s revolution against this government.
Fulfilling these goals and demands requires, first, that the working class engages in the struggle for power under its own socialist banner and, second, that the mass of the people who reject the Islamic Republic should consider the socialist republic as a viable and realistic alternative. The party tries to create these preconditions by actively taking part in the people’s struggle in various areas, and, by leading the people’s revolution, to bring down the Islamic regime. On attaining political power, the party would support the people in forming their councils in work, education, and living centers. These councils would then be the main organs of governance.
Our Different Socialism and Communism
Our socialism and Communism is entirely different from what, during the cold war period, was recognized as the socialist or the Communist bloc. Over the past decades various tendencies and currents emerged bearing the name of socialism and Communism that had no affinity with working class Communism and Marxism in their perception, program, social and class origins, and certainly not in their practice.
From our point of view socialism means the downfall of the wage system and the creation of economic equality among people, i.e. the sameness of people’s place in social production. This is a clear demarcation line between us and those trends that consider socialism to consist of planned state economy, the development of industry, the fair distribution of wealth, and so on. We regard socialism to be the abolishment of wage labor and the relocation of the means of production and work into the collective ownership of society. The outcome of such a revolution in the economic base of society would be the social well-being and economic security of the population.
Our prospect for a political system is the creation of an open and free society which, in contrast to the Eastern bloc societies and the other so called socialist countries, ensures the most far reaching political freedoms and individual and social rights of the citizens. The defense of unconditional freedom of expression, opinion, assembly, the press, demonstration, strike, organization, religion, secularity; equal voting rights for all; the right of the representatives of the people in supervising and holding accountable the activities, documents and offices of state institutions; the prohibition of inquisition; the sanctity of privacy, etc. are basic principles of our party for which we have fought for many years.
The Struggle against the Islamic Republic
WPI advocates the immediate overthrow of the Islamic regime and is categorically opposed to all efforts by forces inside or outside the government to preserve it in modified forms. The WPI, meanwhile, actively supports any political or cultural opening in society brought about by pressure on the government by the people, and defies all efforts by the government to intensify suppression and police surveillance of the social space.
Exposing the Bourgeois Opposition of the Islamic Republic
While fighting for the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic regime, the WPI exposes the schemes of the bourgeois opposition to the regime and tries to frustrate them. Serious confrontation with any effort to alter or reshape (often by the nationalist-Islamic opposition outside the government) is an inseparable component of WPI’s struggle for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic. This applies also to exposing and neutralizing ploys aimed at manufacturing an alternative, above the heads of the population, to exchange the Islamic Republic with another version of a bourgeois regime.
The Workers
WPI is rooted in the working class protest against, and criticism of, capitalist society. We believe that only the working class, by eradicating injustice and exploitation, is capable of liberating itself and society as a whole. Politically workers are the backbone of the struggle against the Islamic regime. The existence of an active, radical, and widespread workers’ movement is a determining factor to maintain and perpetuate a vibrant political environment and contribute to an increasing advance of left radicalism in society.
WPI does all in its power to help the workers succeed in their protests and struggle. To bring to fruition their immediate demands our party puts emphasis on the unification of various trends within the working class movement. Meanwhile, to remove the obstacles on the way of the revolutionary role of the working class in the Iranian political developments, we consider it our duty to confront obstructive tendencies such as the reformist trend in the working class movement. Moreover the party stands for the dissolution of anti worker and government- fabricated organizations such as the Islamic Labor Councils and the Workers’ House.
Our alternative for the mass organization of the workers is the establishment of workers’ councils. The workers’ council is the regular workers’ assembly which encompasses all the workers employed in a work place. For the time being we call on the workers to convene their assemblies and spread this movement to various parts of the country. We meanwhile fully condone all efforts by the workers to organize in unions or any other independent mass organization, trying our best for these organizations to depend on regular workers’ assemblies.
The vanguard part of the working class in Iran is already raising the banner of the people’s radical, egalitarian demands, and, despite the prevalent suppression and lack of rights, persistently tries to organize the workers. Another prerogative of the working class is that it currently has a sizable number of recognized figures. The vanguard of the working class movement has realized that well known figures are important factors in the advance of the working class and in its turning into a political force to contend with and to face up to bourgeois movements. The efforts of the progressive workers to enlist the solidarity of other parts of the working class in Iran as well as internationally, the involvement of the workers spouses in the current struggles, are other aspects of the workers’ movement. The formation of radical and well known institutions of the activists of the working class movement, the activities of the well known figures of the working class movement, even from inside the prisons, in support of the rights of the workers and other social groups, including the libertarian demands of the people in workers’ resolutions, efforts to secure support in Iran and internationally, are among the achievements of the Iranian workers’ movement. These hallmarks distinguish the progressive and socialist sector of the working class from tendencies and forces that try to restrict the workers to the confines of the factory and marginalize the working class movement and make it socially dethatched. Workers’ use of the social media and creating social networks—as used in the nation-wide struggle of the teachers—is a practice that, if expanded, can create new possibilities for the workers’ movement, in initiating a unified, nation-wide, demand-based movement such as regional and national strikes.
WPI has, over the last few decades, engaged in effective and constant efforts to reinforce this process, and has ceaselessly confronted counteracting forces. We try to continue to back these orientations to help enable the working class to lead the revolution.
The movement for the liberation of women is a cornerstone in the struggle to bring down the Islamic state. This movement emerged from the very inception of the misogynist Islamic regime and has developed strongly since then. Despite its use of intense violence in depriving women of their rights, the Islamic regime has in no way been able to smother the protest to its injustice and discrimination against women. The movement for the liberation of women has had outstanding success in offsetting the reign of sexual apartheid and compulsory veil.
The party stands for all discriminatory laws and regulations against women to be revoked, sexual apartheid to be eradicated and complete equality of men and women in all social, economic, and political spheres to be immediately and unconditionally established. The party invites all institutions and activists who support the equality of men and women and ask for the annulment of misogynous Islamic laws to cooperation.
The Youth![youth](
The youth constitute more than half of the Iranian population—a nightmare for the regime. All that the reign of the Islamic regime has offered young people has been brutal suppression, unemployment, economic and social insecurity, and political and cultural deprivation. In return, the youth have been a core of the struggle in discarding religion and Islamic sanctities and culture. Politically, culturally and ideologically the youth have managed to force important drawbacks on the government and, in practice, transformed the face of society. The movement for the liberation of women and the movement for freedom from the restraints of the Islamic, retrogressive, and orient-blighted culture, whose active advocates are the youth, play a significant role in the downfall of the Islamic regime and directing society towards freedom and welfare.
WPI wants to rapidly change the wretched condition of the youth and restore vivacity and invigoration to their lives. Among necessary steps towards this goal is fending off religion and religious constraints, promotion of modern and humane culture, implementation of the broadest individual and political freedoms, coupled with creating jobs, paying unemployment benefits, and free access to education. The party, meanwhile, actively works for organizing the youth around radical and revolutionary demands through the Communist Youth Organization.
Due to several decades of the country being under the sway of inhumane Islamic laws, purging the state and society from religion has become an essential and immediate demand of the people. Through bitter experience they have realized that unless religion is prevented from interfering in government and the educational and judicial systems, they will not benefit from the most basic human rights and civil liberties.
As an anti-religious force, the WPI fights against any compromise with religious institutions, prescriptions, and traditions. Relying on the vast anti-religious movement in Iran, it works for the establishment of a free and entirely secular state by overthrowing the Islamic Republic. At the same time the party, while recognizing the right of every citizen to believe in any religion or not to believe in any, considers it its duty to actively engage in a comprehensive intellectual and cultural campaign against religion.
The treatment of children in every society is a measure for the humaneness and freedom in that society. Children are the most disfranchised in the Islamic Republic. Fortunately nowadays we are witness to a great deal of engagement in defense of children’s rights and to reduce their suffering. We condone these efforts and believe that the interest of children supersedes any national, ethnic, religious, social, economic, cultural, or ideological interest. Society should safeguard the happiness and welfare of every child independent of his or her familial circumstances. The state is duty bound to ensure and provide the same standard of economic welfare at the highest possible level, at the service of the physical and intellectual development of children and youngsters. We support the institutions in defense of children’s rights and would try, in the wake of the downfall of the Islamic Republic, to provide a joyful, safe, and creative life for all children by ratifying laws, founding various institutions in support of children’s rights, and allocating material and mental resources.
Against the Islamic Judicial System
The Islamic judicial apparatus is a killing machine. The antediluvian Islamic statutes have nothing in common with any universally recognizes standards and progressive principles. The law of retribution and the entire judicial doctrine of the Islamic Republic are based on tribal relations. The very definition of crime, the criminological process, types of punishment, penal codes, the basis for apprehension, interrogation, and trial, the rights of the accused, the examination of evidence, methods of proving guilt, etc, all have their origins in blood ties and the patriarchal relations of tribal societies of over a thousand years ago. Injustice and criminality are inherent and inseparable features of this system.
In the Islamic Republic tens of thousands of people are arrested, interrogated, tried, and sentenced to punishments that are the very epitome of torture and criminality, for having committed acts that in no modern society are even considered felonious.
This system is by definition incapable of giving any one, even those who may have committed a crime, a fair trial. WPI stands for the abolishment of the entire Islamic judicial system. The party declares that with the overthrow of the Islamic Republic political prisoners and prisoners of conscience as well as hundreds of thousands of innocent people will be released and charging people on the basis of their politics or beliefs will be forbidden. Moreover, the case of all other prisoners who may, in fact, have committed a crime will be reopened and reconsidered. All these suspects will be retried and judged on the basis of a secular, modern, and fair judicial system.
Against Execution and Stoning to Death
In the course of the rule of the Islamic Republic tens of thousands of the political opposition and thousands more on suspicion of distribution or use of narcotics or other accusations have been executed and hundreds of people have been stoned to death for “honor- related” crimes.
WPI regards execution and stoning as the most abhorrent form of pre-meditated murder, and asks for its immediate end. Fighting against execution, stoning, and retributive punishments is one of the important campaigns of the party against the Islamic state. The party works for the immediate and unconditional end to such practices.
Political Prisoners
The very existence of political crimes and thousands of political prisoners in Iran is evidence of the intense suppression of political rights and freedoms under the Islamic Republic. Campaigns for the release of political prisoners and publicizing their voice are an important and basic area of the struggle of the Iranian people to achieve freedom. The party considers the struggle for the freedom of political prisoners as one of its important tasks and would not stop at any effort to have them released.
WPI considers it its serious task to engage in preventing the process of the destruction of the environment and all efforts for its improvement. It is the right of all citizens and future generations to have access to clean air and water, wholesome food, and unpolluted and safe nature. We believe that protecting nature and the environment should be a priority in every economic and industrial activity. All measures and programs that cause pollution or destruction of the environment due to capitalist profiteering should be declared illegal and stopped immediately.
Iranian Refugees
Another by-product of the sway of the Islamic Republic has been that several millions of citizens have for social or political reasons such as repression, persecution by the state, the risk of imprisonment or execution, or for refusing to participate in the Iran-Iraq war, have been forced to leave the country. WPI has always defended the human rights of Iranian refugees. We are convinced that Iran under the Islamic Republic is an unsafe country. All those who have fled the hell of the Islamic Republic and been persecuted by the government, or whose lives have been in danger are eligible for asylum.
The image of Iran, projected by the Western governments and media has been deeply reactionary, presenting it as a backward, religious society without an industrial working class, without progressive social movements, and without class struggle. According to this picture the Islamic Republic is the elected representative of the people and the legitimate government of the country. Naturally, enlisting solidarity with the struggle for freedom and the legitimate demands of the people would be difficult without breaking this image and exposing the leniency of Western governments and the prevalent censorship of the dominant right wing Western media. WPI has tirelessly tried to change this image in the world public opinion, and has managed to do so in reality. It has presented the workers’ movement, the demands of the working class, the women’s liberation movement, the youth movement and the opposition to religion, to the world and endorsed support for these struggles.
Our undertaking abroad has been to reflect the Iranian people’s movement for freedom against the Islamic Republic. We have tried to break the silence of the mass media about the protests of the people, and to keep the public informed about the demands and wishes of the Iranian people. Our aim has been to register the widest international support for the struggle of Iranian workers and people and to put pressure on Western governments through mobilizing public opinion to cut diplomatic, political, cultural, and military relations with the Islamic Republic and put an end to compromises with this government. The party did not allow the governmental reformists who, inside the country, alongside the other power holders, have been accessories to crimes against the people and who still strive to salvage the Islamic system, to pass themselves off as the voice of the people and to pretend that a reformed Islamic Republic is what the people are hoping for.
WPI also fights relentlessly against political Islam internationally, and confronts all derivations of this dark, reactionary, phenomenon without any compromise.
We consider cultural relativism as reactionary and racialist. Alternatively, we have at all times actively stood for the universal rights of all citizens independent of sex, religion, ethnicity, or nationality that is attributed to them. Challenging the tolerance of Western governments toward Islamic trends and confronting Sharia law and Islamic schools and courts in Western countries has been a ceaseless undertaking of the party in different countries. The closure of Islamic courts and changes of some laws in favor of the people and in particular of the women and children who have emigrated from Islam-afflicted countries are among the achievements of the party in this area.
Moreover, the party considers it its duty and major task to support working class and socialist movements as well as all progressive and enlightened movements in the world.
Afghani Immigrants in Iran
Over the past decades a large number of the people of Afghanistan have taken refuge in Iran. To sustain themselves, almost all of these immigrants have entered working class environments. Given the backward standards of the Islamic Republic, the living and working conditions of immigrant workers in Iran is extremely harsh and brutal. In addition to total powerlessness and economic and political insecurity, Afghani workers are exposed to intense pressure from Iranian nationalism and anti-Afghan sentiments. Putting pressure on Afghani (as well as Iraqi, etc.) workers by Iranian capitalists is a means of splitting the working class and sinking the already meager level of wages and working conditions of workers in Iran.
We believe that the struggle of Afghani workers to improve their working conditions and availing themselves of the right to work, education, and citizenship is part and parcel of the struggle of the Iranian working class. Fascistic agitation against Afghani workers is direct aggression against humanity and an effort to divide the Iranian working class, and we therefore put the greatest effort into offsetting it. From the very inception of the Islamic Republic we have confronted the racist and inhuman treatment of the Afghanis by the government and even by sectors of the opposition. We have, over the last few decades, been constantly engaged in defending the rights of immigrant workers in Iran.
WPI asks for the immediate withdrawal of all discriminatory laws and regulations in relation to homosexual, bisexual, and transgender citizens. It is the natural and inalienable right of these citizens to enjoy free and voluntary sexual relationships, form a partnership and benefit from all the rights attached to it, without being subjected to any discrimination, in such matters as adopting children.
Organizations and Campaigns of the Party
Around all above mentioned areas several organizations and campaigns have been formed in and out of Iran. WPI itself and its activists have also initiated a number of organizations and campaigns which have played an important role in promoting the struggle in these areas. Inside the country numerous institutions and networks have been formed over the years to defend the rights of various social groups. Many of these groupings are progressive formations that sincerely attempt to create a new environment and culture for the struggle to get ahead, and to organize various ranks of people against the injustice and powerlessness imposed by the Islamic Republic. This is part of the effort of the progressive sector of Iranian society to organize and strengthen the bonds between the people, and has already managed to create a new balance of power between the people and the government. This is an ongoing process, particularly since the social media has opened up new possibilities in instituting networks, and the younger generation is making full use of this opening to expand opposition. The party regards these efforts an important step forward and gives them its full support. It attempts to assist the radical, libertarian policies in all such activities so that a strong front, both against the government and against tendencies such as the national-Islamic movement, right wing movements, and different nationalist, ethnic, and religious trends should be given a better chance to take shape.
The list of some of the campaigns abroad that have been and are operating thanks to the work of party activists is as follows:
— The International Federation of Iranian Refugees
— The International Committee against Execution
— The International Committee against Stoning
— Campaign to Free Political Prisoners in Iran
— Campaign to Free Jailed Workers (Free Them Now)
– The International Workers Solidarity Committee—Iran
— The Middle East and North Africa Workers Solidarity Network
–“No to Sharia Law” Campaign (which ended successfully by preventing Islamic Courts in Canada in September 2005).
— Ex Muslims
— Children First
— The Campaign against Child Circumcision
— Equal Law for All
— The Free Woman: the Movement for the Liberation of Women
— Annual Campaign in Protest to the Presence of the Islamic Republic in ILO (International Labor Organization)
Membership in WPI is simple. Anyone who agrees with the humane goals of the party can become a member. A party member is expected to pay a membership fee and participate in the ongoing activities of the party in accordance to his/her interest, capability, and position. Membership in the party puts no strains on the individual or civil rights and freedoms of the member. Likewise, membership in the party does not entitle the member to any privilege or superiority in relation to non members.
The congress is the highest organ of party leadership which convenes at a minimum of once every two years. The congress consists of representatives of party organizations who are elected by their organization members. Party congresses are open to the public. Congress sessions are transmitted directly on the internet.
Central Committee
The Central Committee is the highest organ of the leadership of the party between two congresses and its members are elected at each congress by the vote of attending representatives. The election of the central committee secretary and members of the politburo is the prerogative of the central committee.
Between the two sessions of the central committee (plenum) the Politburo is the highest organ for policy decisions, judgment, and accountability in the party.
Executive Body
The configuration of the elected leadership of the party can take on various forms depending on circumstances. At present the secretary of the Central Committee and the Executive Body have the task of directing the party between two plenums.
Principal Committees of the party and the Youth Organization
At the moment the Organizing Committee of the Party inside the Country, the Committee Abroad, Kurdistan Committee, and the Azerbaijan Committee are the four principal committees of the party, each of which carry out the task of directing the social and organizational activities of the party within their geographical area. In addition to these four, the party has a youth organization called the Communist Youth Organization. The party also has various organs and committees for running the New Channel TV, securing funds for the party and work related to the social media.
Internal Relations
The principle governing the internal relations of the party is interaction in working out the common goal, and collaboration in the effort to achieve it. The maximum possible exchange of views and ideas among the members in the process of decision making on various levels to reach consensus, and undivided cooperation in implementing the ratified decisions and policies, coupled with the strictest discipline, form the basis of the internal relations of the party.
The Cadres
WPI is based on a firm and Marxist foundation of cadres. A cadre is a member of the party who is responsible for organizing and directing the activities of the party in a certain area. A cadre is deeply committed to the party and the party as a whole and its activities is his/her predominant concern. While a member may be intere4sted in a single area of the activities of the party, a cadre involves himself/herself in all these areas. Moreover, a party cadre is obliged to educate himself/herself in Marxist theory, and have the command of the history of the Communist movement, the history of the WPI and its programmatic, political, and organizational documents and records. The principles regarding the activities of a cadre are drawn out in the specific regulations for the work of each party organ as well as in documents concerning the overall expectations of the party from its cadres.
Party Publications
The weekly publication of the party is International. In addition to the International the party publishes several other journals such as Iskra (the publication of the Kurdistan committee of the party), the Communist Worker, Sahand (the publication of the Azerbaijan committee), and Worker-communism, which is the theoretical publication of the party.
The NEW Channel Television
To spread its views and ideas WPI has a twenty four hour channel throw which the party has found its way inside the homes of millions of people in distant parts of the country. In the live programs of this channel many people in Iran and in other parts of the world are given the chance to directly share their innermost thoughts and ideas on various issues. The New Channel television that started its work in March, 2004 is an important means of information, mobilization, and building public opinion.
Internet and the Social Media
The information and media revolution has broken the monopoly of governments and the ruling class over the media. Thanks to the internet and the social media opposition political parties, forces, and personalities can now, on a much wider and more effective scale, build contact with society and mobilize and organize the activists and the general public round their policies. Access to this modern technology has made it far easier to ideologically and politically question the status quo, exchange political views, spread thoughts and ideas, influence the atmosphere of opposition, and challenge governments, mobilize the people, and, even, shape protest actions by social activists.
WPI uses the internet and social media as an effective tool to spread its ideas and organize different party activities. The party, its various organs, and party publications each have their own web site. The party is also active in YouTube and social media such as Facebook, Tweeter and Googleplus.
The website of the party, Rowzane, the New Channel, Communist Youth, and the Facebook page of the party, Cultural Liberation, the Kurdistan Committee, and the programs of New Channel television on Youtube are examples of the way internet and social media are utilized in the ongoing activities of the party. A list of the electronic addresses of these pages can be found at the end of the present text.
This Party Is Your Party
The considerable majorities of the people have a yearning for freedom, well-being, and justice and detest the exploitation of the majority of people by a minority. These people are socialists without necessarily being aware of it. We believe that within every person with a sense of fairness dwells a passionate communist. We are convinced that communism has a good chance of winning ground in Iran because many people share the goals and programs of WPI. Iranian society, whether in its present course of struggle, or for the overthrow of the Islamic Republic, or for constructing a humane society with a humane government based on freedom, equality, and human happiness needs these compassionate goals and this party.
We call on you to rally around this party and its humane and liberating goal; to cooperate with the party and to join it. The force of the workers and the downtrodden who have organized themselves in their political party is the only force capable of overthrowing tyranny and injustice, to uproot inequalities and exploitation and all other ills of society. It has the power to bring down the odious religious government in power, and to build a new society. Under the present circumstances when the bourgeoisie has imposed regression and decadence on the entire world, enthralled billions of people in poverty and powerlessness and war and superstition, and, when in Iran this vile religious government has deprived the greater majority of the people of any assets they might have had, it is more urgent than ever to join WPI as an alternative to the existing situation. It is time to rise up and put an end to the sway of this regime that is the main obstacle to people’s happiness and the construction of a society fit for human beings.
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For further information about the principles of Worker-communism and WPI you can also refer to the site of the archive of Mansour Hekmat:
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