For socialism today!
Today more than ever, capitalism is facing its deepest crisis, which has engulfed the lives of everyone globally. The gulf between those who control societal wealth and the 99% of the population who have to work to survive is ever increasing. According to Oxfam the combined wealth of the richest 1 percent will overtake that of the other 99 percent of people next year.
The Capitalist crisis of the last 8 years has created an impasse without solutions or alternatives by the 1% who run the financial and industrial institutions. Even at the heart of Europe and North America, austerity is the only “solution” on offer.
People have lost confidence in the traditional bourgeois parties which manifest itself as the crisis of democracy. This has created space for religious and far-right political groups to unleash the most backward and reactionary forces onto society. The unleashing of the dark forces worldwide has seen the growth of religious, tribal and ethnic forces. The emergence of ISIS and regional forces driven by the Islamic regime of Iran and Saudi Arabia are pushing the world towards a dark era and complete destruction. Never before has capitalism unleashed such economically and politically destructive forces.
On the other hand, people have not succumbed to this situation. We have witnessed the rise of resistance demanding a better world: the revolution in Tunisia; the Occupy movement in New York, resistance in Kobane, the Paris mass demonstration against Islamic terrorism, the coming to power of Syriza in Greece and the growth of the anti-austerity movement in many other European countries, amongst others. People have not been silent and have been challenging the capitalists and their class.
In Iran, having retreated from its nuclear slogan and reached an agreement with ‘the Great Satan’, the Islamic regime of Iran is now facing the rank and file of the working class demanding their right to dignity. Recent mass strikes and protests by teachers, nurses and demands for a living wage are examples of this.
May 1st – from factory gates in Iran, to Cantons in Kobane, to the streets of London, Paris, Frankfurt and New York – is the day that the international working class shows its power and declares that socialism is the only solution to capitalism’s barbarity.
Worker-communist Party of Iran – Organisation Abroad
1May 2015
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