There are few days in human history such as the May Day that the humanity is indebted to. If the May 1 international struggle of the working class struggle for shortening the workday and its heroic struggles against capitalism and the consequent inequality and deprivation of rights have not being taken place the workday still would have been 12 to 18 hours, labour of the children and unequal pay to women for similar work would have continued and capitalism would commit more crimes on much larger scales. There would not have been either unemployment insurance, pension, or a few political freedoms and civil rights such as universal suffrage and the like. The international solidarity and struggle of the working class, of which the May Day is the most important symbol, is the backbone of those rights and freedoms that to some extent have been imposed onto the bourgeoisie here and there. Nowadays that capitalism in 21st century is threatening the existence of humanity and the totality of the earth the only hope is the united and international struggle of the working class for emancipating itself and all humanity from the yoke of capital and its states. Therefore, the May Day is not only the day of solidarity and struggle for the immediate demands of the working class, but is also a showcase of determination and unity for returning the humans’ fate into their own hands.
In Iran, too, from the time of the dictator Reza Shah to this day, the May Day and the working class struggle have been the leverage and the source of inspiration for the social struggles for prosperity, justice, equality, and freedom on an increasing scale. The most recent example is the uprising that started toward the end December 2017, when in more than a hundred cities the protesting people took the streets and marched against all factions of the Islamic regime. Everybody knows that this uprising was based on the continuous and widespread protests and marches of workers, teachers, and the retired employees for “livelihood and dignity”. Everybody knows that the young women and men that formed the locomotive of this revolutionary uprising were the weariest and the most radical sections of the working class and the poor. Owing to the past December uprising and the subsequent political situation, this May Day as the day of the solidarity and the struggle of the working class, acquires a greater significance.
The main theme of this May Day, which should be strongly emphasised, is the historical and leading role of the working class. The working class should come to the fore as a united and general force, as a political power organized in its own party and mobilizes the deprived masses under its own banner and save the Iranian society from the swamp of capitalism and the Islamic Republic. Neither any of the factions of the Islamic regime, nor any right wing, pro-capitalist opposition group wills or is able to actualize the demands of the people for freedom, equality, and prosperity. These demands are realizable in a socialist society only. It is only the working class and its human state, which will put an end to all economic inequalities, deprivation from political rights, class, national, religious, gender and other forms of discrimination. Emphasizing the importance of the nationwide solidarity and organization of the working class, particularly, emphasizing the importance of its communist organization and underlining the necessity of the interference of the working class and its leaders in every areas of struggle, be it economic, political, or specific areas such as the struggle for the release of political prisoners, the struggle against the Islamic veiling and religion as pioneers are different aspects of the appearance of the working class in its leading role.
This May Day is also a moment for putting forward the most immediate demands of the working class and for taking steps toward actualizing its general solidarity and unity. Demanding the raise of the wages, moving toward the nationwide struggle and strikes, a demand that has been put forward by several working class organizations, provides the most appropriate conditions for the united and general action of the working class. It is beyond doubt that such a step forward not only will concretely and practically backspace the Islamic regime and better the livelihood of the workers and toilers, but also will bring the working class as an effective emancipatory political force before the society.
The Worker-communist Party of Iran calls upon all segments of the working class, from factory workers, teachers and nurses to retired employees and the unemployed workers, to organize the May Day celebrations in the most widespread and enthusiastic manner. The Party calls upon all libertarian and egalitarian people to join the May Day celebrations and the emancipatory ranks of the working class.
Long Live the May Day!
Long Live Freedom, Equality, Prosperity!
Long Live the Workers’ Rule!
Long Live Socialism!
Worker-communist Party of Iran
April 23, 2018
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