It is with great sadness that we announce that Iraj Farjad, a long-standing and distinguished cadre of the Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI), a popular and renowned communist who spent over four decades of his life fighting for freedom and socialism, passed away today from Covid-19.
Iraj was 75 years old. After many years of activity as a member of Komala and the Communist Party of Iran, he came to Germany with his family in the early 1990s and continued his fight in the ranks of the Worker-communist Party of Iran.
We offer our deepest condolences on the passing of this prominent communist and popular figure of the people of Sanandaj to his dear family, his partner Monireh Sharifpourian, his children Sahar, Soma and Kaveh, his other relatives, the members and friends of the party and all those fighting for freedom and justice.
Iraj was a lucid symbol of sincerity, selflessness and humanity. He became a breadwinner for the family from a young age, and right from that time, he experienced the injustices and inequalities of the capitalist society with flesh and blood. He was then drawn to the ideas of communism and fought against the Islamic Republic and the ruling system for 45 years.
The loss of Iraj Farjad is a painful event for all those who knew him. His passing is a big loss for our party and the socialist movement. His life, which was full of struggles, will be an inspiration for all of us in the fight against injustice and for a society free of oppression and inequality.
The memory of this great and much-loved human being will forever live on in our hearts.
Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI)
28 December 2021
[Translated from Farsi original]
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