Communique of the Worker-communist Party of Iran
Images and numbers; both are painful and horrifying. One catastrophe follows another. Every single day we witness the death of tens of people in the sea, in desert, in bombardments, and in trucks. This is the situation of millions of people who try to escape from the war in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and other Islam-ridden countries. It seems as if there is no end to this misery. The victims of this situation are the ordinary people that has taken whatever have been left to them and their children and families; they have run into deserts, mountains, and the sea in the hope of finding a place to live, a roof to sleep and find peace of mind for a moment. The “lucky” ones who have survived this hell and have found a way into another country are faced with barbwire, coastguards who shoot them, and brutal security forces. These people are victims of a condition they have had no role in forming them; they have not taken a side in this confrontation and have no other choice to end this misery other than running away. This horrifying situation shakes any person who has a least of humanitarian feeling. What is the cause of this situation? Who is to blame? What is to be done? What is the way out?
This miserable situation first and foremost is the product of the war that is waged by Islamic states and Islamic terrorist bands that has destroyed the structure of societies in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan; it is the product of the intervention of the Islamic Republic and Russia in theses countries; it is the product of military attack and intervention of the US and its allies. The reactionary regimes of Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Jordan who have armed Islamic terrorist bandits fully and unleashed them at the service of their regional interests are responsible for this situation. Ending this miserable situation requires cutting off the hands of reactionary regimes and forces from the lives of the people in the region.
These steps, however, are only a part of a humanitarian solution to this situation. We should draw attention to the inhuman and atrocious behaviour of some of the European states against refugees. These states fire onto the boats that carry refugees; they hinder their way; make barbwire walls and with their full force they prevent them from saving their lives. Violating all recognized international human rights, these states deepen this tragedy.
The Worker-communist Party strongly condemns this inhuman behaviour of anti-refugee states. Proving a humane, secure, and peaceful shelter for these refugees is an immediate task. Only building pressure through organized action of civilized humanity on these states, the UN and related international organizations can push them to recognize universal human and refugee rights.
We condemn any measures to prevent refugees who have arrived in Europe from entering or leaving the countries in the continent.
All refugees should obtain citizenship rights and the right to work in these countries.
We Meanwhile hail the libertarian and humanitarian people in Austria, Denmark, Germany and other countries who, despite the racist and xenophobic propaganda of right-wing parties and media, open their arms to help the refugees. These people have shown that humanity is alive independent of dirty and shameful racist and nationalist propaganda and politics. This humanitarian behaviour that does not surrender to this misery is the hope for changing the life of humanity.
Worker-communist Party of Iran
September 2, 2015
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