In protest against Rouhani’s visit to France
We have gathered in front of the French Embassy in Stockholm today to express our protest against the visit to France by the Iranian regime’s President, Hassan Rouhani. Hassan Rouhani and the Islamic state he represents are in no way the representatives of the people of Iran. On the contrary, this regime is the perpetrator of systematic violence, impoverishment and disenfranchisement against the people of Iran. A regime which rules by repression, torture and execution must not be recognised as the representative of the people.
The Western governments are talking about warm relations with the Islamic regime after the nuclear deal. The love affair with the regime in the West is coupled with bloody repression against the people in Iran. The number of executions has gone up since Hassan Rouhani came to power. Harassment and arrest of worker activists has increased. Discrimination and despicable oppression against women is the official policy and everyday practice of the regime. Political prisoners are facing gradual death due to shortage of medicines and medical care under the draconian judicial system of the Islamic regime. People’s lives are crushed under religious repression. And protest against these medieval conditions is answered with bloody repression.
For the people of Iran, the Islamic regime, even without nuclear weapons, is a Holocaust. It is a threat against the citizens of the world. In our view, silence against the crimes of this regime and overlooking this repression and violence is tantamount to companionship with it. Continuation of diplomatic and political relations with the Islamic Republic means condoning the appalling violation of people’s rights and freedoms by this state.
Thus we express our protest against the salesman-like diplomacy of the Western governments, including the French government. We believe that the Islamic Republic must be put under pressure for its crimes and repression against the people of Iran. We condemn any form of compromise and appeasement with this regime by the Western governments. We demand an end to political, diplomatic and cultural ties with the criminal Islamic regime of Iran.
Media and for further information:
Contact Hormoz Raha
Phone: 0046 739634251
Email: hormoz_r@hotmail.com
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