On 2nd December 2018, striking workers of the Steel National Group of Ahwaz held an assembly in front of the provincial governor’s office where families of the workers and members of the public joined the protest.
One of the leaders of the workers, Mohamad Al Meisam, said in his speech at the assembly: “All the workers are one and part of the same body, be it Haft Tapeh or Steel or workers of elsewhere. The workers will not leave the streets as long as these conditions exist and capitalists are supported. We are not going to retreat, the workers have the power to get their rights. We will prove that. Our first demand is the release of the arrested workers. Haft Tapeh prisoners must be freed!” The striking workers and the people chanted slogans for the freedom of the imprisoned workers.
A worker from Haft Tapeh who attended the assembly also delivered a speech and emphasised the unity of the workers and the fact that they suffer the same problems and share the same fate. This was followed by loud chants of “Steel, Haft Tapeh, Unite, Unite”.
The workers are in discussions to form their own Workers’ Council to be directly involved in their working conditions and affairs.
#WPIranNews #FightForLife #SteelWorkers #WorkersSolidarity #WorkersAndThePeople
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