Striking truck drivers in Iran hold assemblies in several cities


Today, 10th October 2018, the striking truck drivers in Iran held assemblies in several cities to further engage the public with the strike.

In Isfahan, the drivers gathered in front of the provincial government office. In Mobarakeh, they gathered in front of the governor’s office and in Zarinshahr in the main square of the city where the police tried to militarise the assembly and prevent the public from joining the workers.

After just over two weeks from the start of the strike it has reached 320 cities, and the authorities have arrested 256 drivers.

The arrests took place in the following provinces: Ghazvin, Alborz, Ardebil, Isfahan, Fars, Semnan, Kermanshah, Zanjan, Hamedan, Northern Khorasan, Khorasan Razavi, and cities of: Nahavand, Bojnourd, Kangan, Pakdasht, Neishapoor, Shirvan, Sanandaj, Azarshahr, Gorgan, Bandargaz, Izeh, Razan, Harsin, Dalahoo, Zarand, and Shahr Kurd.

The striking truck drivers have been arrested because of “disrupting order and security”, “sectarianism” and “acting against national security”, which the authorities accuse them of.



#WPIranNews #FightForLife #TruckDriversStrike #ArrestedWorkers



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