Today, 13th October 2018, three weeks after truck drivers started their strike, it has reached 320 cities in Iran and the striking drivers have held more assemblies and protests to engage the public and to achieve their demands.
Mohsen Karami, head of the Prosecutors’ Office of Gazvin province has filed a lawsuit against 17 drivers and said: “After the cases are received by the court we will ask for the death penalty and if their enmity is proven, heavy sentences such as execution will be waiting for them.”
In response to the comments made by Mohsen Karami, the truck drivers added “immediate release of all detained drivers” to their list of demands and are continuing the strike until all of their demands are met.
Steven Cotton, Secretary-General of the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) said in a letter published on 12th October 2018, “The death penalty for striking is the most serious of violations of workers’ rights, it’s inhumane and unthinkable”, he added, “From what we understand, Iran’s truckers took action as a last resort in the struggle to feed their families. The threat of the death penalty is utterly disproportionate.” Mr Cotton has also called for the International Labour Organization to intervene in the matter.
The Truck Drivers’ Union in Denmark has also supported the striking truck drivers in Iran and their demands. The Transport Unions of Canada, the USA, Holland and Australia have already expressed their support for the striking truck drivers in Iran.
#WPIranNews #FightForLife #TruckDriversStrike #ArrestedWorkers #Executions #ITF
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