On 18th November 2018, sugar cane workers of Haft Tapeh in Khuzestan province, Iran, entered their 14th day of strike and despite the presence of the Special Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they managed to break through the barriers in front of their workplace and take their protest to the streets of Shush city. The workers held their assembly in front of the governor’s office as it was decided in the public assembly of the workers.
In the gathering, that a group of teachers and families of the workers joined in support and to express their unity, Esmail Bakhshi, the elected representative of the workers to the Workers’ Council of Haft Tapeh, delivered a speech and reflected on the demands of the workers, the protests and the presence of the armed forces:
“Without any violence or causing any damage to anything, we have held the most glorious strike we could possibly hold. Our trike has been so inspiring that people of Shush, merchants, students, and teachers have joined us.” He added “now we see that instead of dealing with our issues, the authorities have increased the presence of their armed forces at our workplace and now here.” Esmail Bakhshi addressed the armed forces and said to them: “What have we said that you point your guns at the people!? You are one of us. You are the children of this society.”
The people clapped and cheered and Esmail Bakhshi added “We are now going to drive towards the governor’s office but if they don’t let us, we will tie our hands together and go to block the road.”
At the end of the speech he mentioned that students, teachers and merchants have joined in and that tomorrow no one comes to work and they all gather in front of the governor’s office.
The workers went towards the governor’s office and held a large and strong protest along with families of the workers, students, teachers and members of the public. Bazaar merchants closed their shops in Shush in support of the strike and went to support the striking workers despite attempts by the armed forces to prevent them from joining the protest.
According to reports that were shared on the Telegram group of Haft Tapeh workers, Esmail Bakhshi and Mohsen Armand, who is another elected representative of the workers, along with a female journalist were arrested after the protest.
The workers have formed different groups to pursue the release of the arrested workers.
#WPIranNews #FightForLife #SugarCaneWorkers #WorkersCouncil #WorkersAndFamilies
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