The Turkish society is under a ruthless attack. It has now been four months since the Erdogan government has initiated a brutal and suppressive war against people of Turkey and is trying to get rid of his opposition using the July coup as an excuse.
The dimensions of assault and arrests on people and labour organizations and opposition and media are extensive and unprecedented. A full-scale dictatorship has taken hold of power in Turkey. A large number of labour activists and unionists have been arrested. About 200 newspapers, TV and radio stations, and social media have been shut down on charges of “cooperating” with Gulenists or with PKK. Around 40 thousand people, thousands of unions and labour activists included, and more than 150 newspaper reporters have been arrested.
Thousands of political activists, joint leaders of People’s Democratic Party, Selahettin Demirtas and Figen Yuksekdag along with 10 parliament representatives included, have been arrested. Even elected mayors of a few cities in Kurdistan have been arrested. Around 200 publishing institutions and media outlets have been closed down. Over 100 university and hospitals have been closed down. More than 10,000 teachers, university academics, and social service employees have been expelled from work. Only on mid October 10,000 teachers and academicians were expelled with an official decree. These figures are on the rise every moment. The Erdogan government does not even hide its desire to bring back the capital punishment.
On October Erdogan government extended the “state of emergency”, which had started with the July failed coup, and paved the way for continuation of absolute totalitarianism and widespread assault on people and opposition. Erdogan government and his AKP party have proved to be one of the main axes of political reaction in the region. This is a government that has in its records an active support and widespread collaboration with murderous ISIS cannibals. This government has been trying for years to impose an Islamic rule on Turkey and take back democratic and secular rights and institutions. This government must be overthrown by the struggle and revolution of the people of Turkey. There is no other way left ahead.
The world must not stand silent about this apparent violation of most basic human rights of the people of Turkey. Freedom of speech, freedom of political parties, and freedom of protest are among the self-evident and fundamental and international rights of all humans. A state that violates these basic human rights must be internationally rejected and isolated. We must protest extensively. In all around the world we must be the voice of the Turkish workers, people, progressive and left organisations. We must put pressure on all governments around the world and hold them to account so they exert pressure on and isolate the Erdogan government. We must demand that all those arrested during the last few months be released and those expelled from work to be reinstated.
The Worker-communist Party of Iran expresses its solidarity with the people of Turkey. We stand side by side with the workers and progressive forces of Turkey. We strongly condemn the suppressive policies of the Turkish government. We call on all people to resist against and confront with suppressive policies of Erdogan government and the Islamic AKP party.
Worker-communist Party of Iran
09 November 2016
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