To the people of the world:
Support the Ukrainian people by calling for an immediate end to the war!
Statement by the Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI)
9 March 2022
The Russian government’s invasion of Ukraine has turned into a horrific humanitarian catastrophe for the Ukrainian people. Homes and even hospitals are being targeted, defenceless people are being brutally killed, millions have been displaced and people’s lives have been shattered.
The Russian government, and Putin personally, by invading Ukraine and inflicting indescribable suffering on the Ukrainian people are directly responsible for this catastrophe. We strongly condemn this war and call for its immediate cessation, both for the issues underlying it and the aims being pursued through it, and for the human catastrophe resulting from it. Every hour of continuation of the war means more killing, destruction and displacement for the Ukrainian people.
We call on the people of the world, while supporting the Ukrainian people and their resistance against the invading Russian army, to take action to put an end to the savagery that the world’s top one percent have created by raising the following demands:
– An immediate ceasefire and end to the war
– Withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine
– Recognition of the sovereignty of the Ukrainian people
– Support for the anti-war protests in Russia
– No to militarism and militarisation of society
– Dissolution of the NATO military alliance
– Nuclear disarmament
The anti-war movement must declare loudly that an end to this war and savagery transcends any political expediency, aim, manoeuvre or posturing by governments. We are confident that with millions of people around the world coming forward in pursuit of these demands, not only can the current devastating war be immediately ended, but favourable conditions will be created for preventing similar wars in the future. The rise of the ‘third camp’, the civilised world, will be the only guarantee for changing the world into a safe and war-free place for all.
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