On 8th November 2018, the Coordinating Council of the Teachers’ Associations of Iran published a statement detailing the issues teachers face and calls for another two-day nationwide strike on 13th and 14th November 2018.
The statement that addresses teachers, students and their parents, and people of Iran starts with “as you all know, the education system in Iran faces a grave crisis and many challenges, and the authorities show no interest in solving them, otherwise they wouldn’t close their ears and eyes to the demands of the teachers. We have had many meetings, written many letters, have had many petitions, held assemblies and picket lines but we haven’t seen a single positive move from the government and members of the parliament.”
In the statement, the Coordinating Council points out that the authorities not only ignore the teachers’ demands, but that they are in the process of imposing new contracts that exploit the teachers even more than before. It also mentions the unfair and insulting attitude of some of the members of parliament towards the teachers.
The statement describes the situation of teachers, the way the authorities have dealt with their issues, their right to organise and protest, corruption in the education system, the strength of the teachers, their reliance on popular support and their own channels to tell their news. The Coordinating Council calls for another two-day nationwide strike with the aim of forcing the authorities to take responsibility, to provide free quality education for all and to stop the attacks on the “welfare and dignity” of the teachers.
The Coordinating Council outlines the teachers’ demands for fair contracts and working conditions, free education for all, an end to the persecution and oppression of teachers and the release of all detained teachers.
#WPIranNews #FightForLife #TeachersStrike #StrikingWorkersInIran #FreeEducationForAll
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