Join the Global Demonstration on October 15th!
On 15 October, about 1,000 cities around the world will hold demonstrations and gatherings to protest against the miseries that have resulted from capitalism’s crisis, to protest against the economic policies of governments and the rule of markets and banks and stock markets. This is a sensational movement, historical and radical, that has been called by its countless and spontaneous organizers “The Movement of the 99 Percenters,” “Global Unity for Change,” and “The Day of the Global Revolution,” among others. It is supposed to be a sustainable movement.
This movement immediately follows “Occupy Wall Street,” which was organized by young people and expanded to other cities in the United States and elsewhere in the world despite the shameful media black-out and police brutality. But in reality, this movement is inspired by the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions and mass protest movements of the past couple of years that have swept over Iran and Israel to Greece and Spain and France and Italy.
To an extent, this is the call of Neda Agha-Soltan becoming global. These are the flames of the rage of Mohamed Bouazizi (the Tunisian young man who set himself ablaze) that are rising in many cities of the world. The tradition of occupying and sitting in Tahrir Square in Cairo is becoming the universal model for occupying streets and political and economical power centers around the world.
At a more basic level, however, this is the suppressed cry of a billion starving people that is echoing across the world. This is the mirror’s reflection of hundreds of millions unemployed people whose rates of unemployment and suicide have still not reached heights capable of raising the interest rates and tempering the market.
This is a display of the objection and rage of contemporary humanity: the more this humanity labors and adds to the wealth of its masters, the deeper it sinks into poverty and misery. This movement can be the beginning of a global and revolutionary movement that declares: enough of exploitation and paid slavery! It declares: We do not tolerate the reign of capital owners and thieves and parasites and generals and mullahs and charlatans over humane life! It declares: Down with the rule of lies and ignorance and superstitions and torture and jails and police states in their entirety now, and down with it for ever!
If this movement is to succeed and effect a real change in the world, it cannot depend on hopes of compromise with the owners of capital and the banks and their governments, and thereby lose momentum, settling for the illusion of “real democracy.” Today, it is clearer than ever that the real salvation of humanity requires the political and economic displacement of capitalism, and the foundation of a new society in which the excellence of the individual preconditions the excellence of the masses.
We will participate in this global movement and pay our dues for its continuation, expansion and progress. We call upon all freedom-loving people to actively join this global movement and participate in the 15 October protests together with members and units of the Workers-communist Party.
Worker-communist Pary of Iran- Organisation Abroad
11 October 2011
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