To children’s rights, women’s rights and human rights organisations and to trade unions globally:
For over three months now, children in girls’ schools in numerous cities in Iran have been targets of poisoning attacks. These attacks have dramatically increased in the past few days. So far, over 1,000 school children across five provinces and in 13 cities have been poisoned. In one of these attacks, in the city of Qom, an 11-year-old girl by the name of Fatemeh Rezaee died of gas poisoning.
The poisoning attacks have now spread to even boys schools and some university dormitories. In just one day, on Wednesday March 1st, children in 31 schools were targeted.
As always, the heads of the Islamic regime try to hide the truth. They blame ‘rogue elements’ as being behind the attacks, while brutally putting down the protests of anxious, distraught families.
The people of Iran know who are behind these systematic terror attacks, and shout their names in their protests: the Islamic regime and its leaders, such as Khamenei. Children across schools in Iran played a crucial role in Iran’s ongoing revolution. They turned schools into vibrant centres of protest against the regime, its compulsory hijab and its system of gender apartheid. By these attacks, the regime is now trying to take revenge and to intimidate the pupils and the whole society.
Angry parents, teachers, women, students and the youth in Iran have responded by protest gatherings outside schools and in neighbourhoods, and teachers have called for a day of nationwide protests next week, Tuesday 7th March, over the poisoning attacks on schools, alongside other issues and demands.
We call on you to add your voice to the protests of the people in Iran by condemning these attacks in the strongest possible terms. Worldwide condemnation of these barbaric attacks and concerted international pressure by children’s rights, women’s rights and human rights organisations and trade unions globally, and by states and international bodies, such as the UN, are needed to force the regime to stop its vicious terrorisation of the girls and children in Iran.
The people of Iran look forward to your resolute action in this regard.
Worker-communist Party of Iran – International Office
March 2, 2023
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