Sunday, 8 March 2015
The presence of women in the struggle against the Islamic regime of Iran over the last 36 years has been palpable. During the past year, the fight against the veil, the push back against the “morality” police harassing women in the streets, widespread demonstrations against acid-attacks and an active presence at universities and in industrial actions by teachers and nurses have been at the forefront of the struggle against the Islamic regime of Iran.
Women’s role in protests and the struggle against misogyny and Islamism in Iran, the Middle East and North Africa is now the standard-bearer of any progressive liberation struggle. The Islamic regime of Iran – along with ISIS, the Saudi regime and various shades of Islamism – builds its power structure by denying women’s right to dress, body, movement, choice, sexuality and employment.
In Europe and North America, women’s right activists from Iran and the region are the voices of this immense movement for women’s rights and equality and closely linked with the demand for secularism and the separation of religion from public institutions and the state.
It is an imperative for people everywhere to unashamedly defend women’s rights against Islamists and the apologists of this reactionary movement.
The Worker-communist Party of Iran marks 8 March, International Women’s Day, in the context of this real, widespread movement via various actions.
We call on people everywhere to support the women’s liberation movement in Iran for freedom, equality and a better world.
Worker-communist Party of Iran – Organisation Abroad
8 March 2015
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