
An open letter to governments, the United Nations and all international institutions

The scope of repression and the crimes of the Islamic regime is such that Amnesty International in its new research briefing on 3 August alerted the international community to the Islamic regime’s conduct towards the popular protests in May this year, writing: “The international community must hold the Iranian authorities to account for the torrent of violence which their security forces unleashed on protesters in the south-west of Iran in May 2022 with complete impunity”. […]


Norway’s LGBTQ+ community victim of Islamic terrorism

The Scandinavian Committee of the Worker-communist Party of Iran strongly condemns this vicious attack against Norway’s LGBTQ+ community and sends its deepest condolences to the families and friends of the victims. The perpetrator, who is originally from Iran, is believed to be connected to the Islamic regime of Iran. […]

by Patty Debonitas

No more time to waste

The world has had enough time to make women and men equal, but it hasn’t. We have waited patiently, in fact thousands and thousands of years but today, inequality and misogyny still spread their poisonous […]