For three weeks now massive protests have been taking place in many cities of Iran against the criminal Islamic Republic. Ignited by the brutal murder of Mahsa Amini by the security forces, these protests quickly grew into a nationwide movement, which is progressing powerfully.
The Islamic Republic’s response to these legitimate protests of the people has been more killing. In one day alone, on Friday 30th September, which became known as ‘Black Friday’, in one city alone, namely the south-eastern city of Zahedan, the regime’s armed forces shot dead more than 90 protesters on the streets. Such crimes are being committed every day in the various cities of Iran. In the past three weeks, hundreds have been killed and thousands have been arrested. The brutalities are continuing.
Some of the victims have turned into the symbols and icons of the protests. Mahsa Amini is today a global name; a name that represents not only the struggle of the people in Iran for freedom, but also the women’s liberation movement across the world. Others, like Hadis Najafi, a 22-year-old girl who was shot dead by the security forces in the city of Karaj, and then secretly buried, and 16-year-old Nika Shakarami, who was detained in the protests and after ten days her body, with the back of her head and her face crushed, was merely shown to the family and then taken away and buried by the security forces, are among such victims and icons of the struggle of the people of Iran.
The brutalities of this regime, however, are not limited to the past three weeks. For over four decades this regime has kept itself in power by sheer violence. In January 2020, they deliberately shot down a passenger plane, killing all the 176 innocent people onboard. Since then, the families of this disaster have organised a powerful movement against the ruling criminals. In November 2019, the regime’s security forces fired on protesters, killing over 1,500 people in less than a month. The Islamic Republic’s bloody record includes execution of thousands, massacres, serial murders, assassination of dissidents at home and abroad, imprisonment, torture, flogging and many other savageries. This regime has created a hell for the people of Iran which they won’t tolerate anymore, and which they have risen up against. The resounding response of the people of Iran has been a big No to the Islamic Republic through slogans such as “We don’t want the Islamic Republic”, “The Islamic Republic must go” and “Death to the dictator”, which are being shouted on Iran’s streets every day.
This is the response of the people of Iran. The question is: What is the response of the world? How do the world’s governments and international organisations respond to these crimes, and where do they stand?
So far as the progressive and freedom-loving people of the world, art and sports personalities, celebrities, actors, musicians, etc., are concerned, many have stood by the people of Iran. They are supporting the revolutionary movement of the people and have joined the protests of the Iranians abroad against the regime. But, how about governments and international bodies? Where do they stand?
The EU and parliaments of several countries, such as France, have recently issued statements against the Islamic Republic. They have expressed support for the people of Iran, and have stated that they will refuse entry to the officials of the regime who have used violence against protesters and that those officials’ bank accounts will be frozen. However, for now, these are just statements and words, and even if they were to be implemented, they would not be enough at all.
The expectation of the people of Iran is for the Islamic Republic to be boycotted, its embassies shut down and the political, cultural and sporting links with it to be ended. They demand a global rejection and isolation of the Islamic Republic. This regime is not their representative, but their killer. Everyday we hear of more horrific atrocities by this regime in mainstream and social media. It’s time to subject this regime to a comprehensive boycott. The public globally must put pressure on governments to give up talking to this regime, to stop accommodating it, to cut their diplomatic ties with it and to boycott it.
In the 1980s the regime of racial apartheid in South Africa was boycotted by governments around the world. Now is the turn of the regime of gender apartheid in Iran. This regime too must be boycotted and thrown out of the world community. This is the least expectation of the people of Iran of international bodies, such as the UN and the ILO, and of the world’s governments. Stand by the people of Iran and boycott the Islamic Republic.
A massive revolution is underway in Iran, a revolution that will bring down this criminal regime and free 85 million people of Iran from the horror it has created for them. In this struggle, stand by the people of Iran.
Hamid Taqvaee
5 October 2022
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