Woman, as in: Respect for life, equality for all and an end to all forms of discrimination
Woman, as in: Abolition of compulsory hijab, prohibition of children’s hijab, abolition of all Islamic misogynistic laws
Woman, as in: An end to gender apartheid in Iran
Woman, as in: An end to all forms of religious oppression, humiliation and abuse against women and against all
Life, as in: Welfare, happiness and dignity for all
Life, as in: An end to exploitation and wage slavery, an end to economic inequality
Life, as in: Welfare, dignity and happiness for children
Life, as in: Clean air and water, clear and bright skies for all
Life, as in: Abolition of the death penalty and destruction of all the gallows
Life, as in: Prosecution of all those who ordered and those who carried out the killing of people, the murderers of Mahsa, Nika and others in the current revolution and over the past four decades
Freedom, as in: An end to religious state and religious rule, an end to the interference of religion and religious institutions in the lives of the people
Freedom, as in: Release of all political prisoners, opening the gates of all prisons
Freedom, as in: Dissolution of all repressive forces and systems of spying on people
Freedom, as in: An end to all sanctities and taboos and all religious dogmas and compulsions forced upon society
Freedom, as in: Unconditional freedom of expression, organisation, assembly and protest
Freedom, as in: Direct governance of the people, abolition of all forms of government that stand above the people
Woman, Life, Freedom, as in:
The overthrow of the Islamic Republic and building a human society.
Worker-communist Party of Iran
8 October 2022
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