On 3rd March 2019, retired steelworkers of the National Steel Group of Ahvaz marched towards the governor’s office of Khuzestan province and protested against non-payment of their wages (from before their retirement) and their retirement bonuses. Members of the public supported them by joining the protest and chanting slogans against the poverty that has been imposed on them.
On 3rd March 2019, retired steelworkers of Isfahan held an assembly in front of the governor’s office of the province and protested against non-payment of their pensions and bonuses, low standard of living and the services they receive. The retirees demand free healthcare. Put under pressure, representatives of the governor’s office held a meeting with the retirees and promised that their pensions and bonuses would be paid.
On 2nd and 3rd March 2019, Khorasan railway staff held assemblies in support of rail workers in other cities. Many rail workers in Iran struggle with non-payment of their wages.
On 3rd March 2019, workers of the Bus Company who are members of the Housing Cooperative of the company held an assembly in front of the Ministry of Labour and protested against failure of the authorities to meet their demands for housing.
On 2nd March 2019, a group of teachers and activists visited the family of Mohammad Habibi, the jailed teacher activist, on the anniversary of his arrest. They demanded the release of all arrested teachers and supported the 3-day national strike of the teachers.
Tweet: Iran: protests and strikes against non-payment of wages, and solidarity with striking workers and jailed activists #WPIranNews #FightForLife #StrikingWorkersInIran #NonPaymentOfWages #JailedWorkers
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