Letter of protest to the Government of Nicaragua on the attendance of mass murderer Mohsen Rezaee at Daniel Ortega’s inauguration ceremony
Mr Denis Moncada
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Government of Nicaragua
14 January 2022
Dear Mr Moncada
We are writing to express our strongest protest at the attendance of Mohsen Rezaee, the former Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian regime’s armed Sepah force (IRGC) and the current Vice President for Economic Affairs of the Islamic regime, at Mr Ortega’s inauguration ceremony this week. This action is a slap in the face of the families of the victims of this murderous individual and the people of Iran and Argentina.
You are no doubt aware that Mohsen Rezaee is wanted by Interpol (The International Criminal Police Organization) in connection with the terrorist bombing of the AMIA Jewish community centre in 1994 in Buenos Aires, killing 85 people and wounding hundreds. You are no doubt also aware that Rezaee led the brutal IRGC force for 16 years as its Commander-in-Chief (and two years as the head of its Intelligence Unit) right from the inception of the Islamic regime into the late 1990s. During those years, tens of thousands of political dissidents and protesters, including children, were arrested, tortured, executed, buried in mass graves and otherwise forced to disappear. The IRGC played a leading role in those horrendous massacres and atrocities.
Your government’s invitation of this murderous individual to Nicaragua and your association with the brutal regime of Iran will be neither forgotten, nor forgiven, by the people of Iran. At a time when the world is moving all the more towards politically isolating that regime and its murderous leaders and putting its functionaries on trial for crimes against humanity (as currently in Sweden in the case of Hamid Nouri for the 1988 Prison Massacres), it is utterly disgraceful that your government has chosen to align itself with this regime.
Far from being invited as guests, Rezaee and all criminal leaders of the Islamic regime of Iran should be arrested and put on trial, wherever they may set foot outside Iran, for crimes against humanity. This is the demand of the people of Iran, the demand of the workers, women and the youth of Iran and of the bereaved justice-seeking families, whose loved ones were so brutally taken away from them. All those governments and politicians who turn a blind eye to these atrocities and align themselves with this regime will no doubt pay a heavy political price for their disgraceful actions.
Yours sincerely,
Bahram Soroush
Director, Worker-communist Party of Iran – International Office
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