Statement by the Worker-communist Party of Iran in condemnation of the Russian government’s invasion of Ukraine
The Russian government’s invasion of Ukraine both politically and from a humanitarian point of view is a reactionary and savage act that must be strongly condemned. This is not a war of two hostile states or blocs lined up against each other in a militarily encounter: it is an invasion by a military superpower of a neighbouring country to exercise its dominance and control; the type of wars that were waged by the US and its European allies for regime change in the last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st.
From a humanitarian point of view, the Ukrainian people are paying the price for this military attack by losing their lives and the destruction of their homes. The people of the world must call for an immediate end to this war, the withdrawal of the Russian forces from Ukraine and condemnation by international bodies of Putin’s government, as the direct perpetrator and directly responsible for the killing of the Ukrainian people and destruction of their homes and livelihood.
Politically, the Russian government’s invasion of Ukraine is a continuation of the reactionary policies that are completely against the interests of the people of Ukraine, Russia and the world. This war is a continuation of the regional confrontation and rivalries between the two blocs of Russia-China and the United States-Europe. On the one hand, the Western bloc seeks to expand its influence in Eastern Europe and specifically admit Ukraine to NATO. On the other hand, the Russian government wants to limit NATO to Western Europe and in particular stop its expansion to its neighbouring countries, such as Finland and Belarus, and especially Ukraine. The fire of this war has in fact been ignited by the conflict between NATO and Russia over the expansion of Western influence in Russia’s neighbouring countries. In other words, the current war is a continuation of the reactionary conflict between governments over the expansion and consolidation of their sphere of influence in the East of Europe; a war that is not only criminal from a humanitarian point of view, but also politically, from both sides completely against the interests of the people.
As far as the people of Ukraine and Russia are concerned, the root of their problems and sufferings is the rule of the most corrupt bourgeois governments of our time. After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the dictatorship of state capitalism, the Ukrainian people left Russia and joined the free market camp under the illusion of freedom. But it did not take long for this illusion to fade. In the words of those with illusions in the so-called Velvet Revolutions, “people wanted democracy, but received Coca-Cola and McDonald’s”.
In the 2014 uprising known as the Maidan Revolution, the Ukrainian people rose up against the corrupt government of the time and against economic austerity. The 2014 uprising was scissored and distorted by the US government, resulting in the establishment of one of the most corrupt governments in Europe. The Russian people, too, have long been struggling against Putin, who has taken hold of the country at the helm of a financial oligarchy. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, anti-war protests have taken place in 54 Russian cities and more than 1,700 protesters have been detained. Putin’s goal in invading Ukraine is to establish a pro-Russian government in that country; a government like the current corrupt one, but as Russia’s puppet.
It is clear that people make up a third bloc against the two Western and Eastern blocs; a bloc that not only opposes this war and wants it to end immediately, but also wants to put an end to the domination of corrupt governments, whether of the Zelensky type or Putin type, and take control of its own political destiny. The freedom-loving people of the world and the left and progressive forces everywhere must also come out in support of the Ukrainian people, against the military aggression of the Russian government, and against the two reactionary blocs, whose rivalry for power has brought about the current war.
The Iranian people have a special place in this protest. Iran’s Islamic regime is affiliated with the Russian bloc and is Putin’s accomplice in crimes against the people of Syria and the region as a whole. In the current war, the Islamic Republic is one of the few states that has openly and explicitly defended the Russian invasion. In such circumstances, it is the responsibility of the left and freedom-loving forces and activists of the protest movements in Iran to openly and loudly condemn the Russian government’s invasion of Ukraine and to stand up for the Ukrainian people and the anti-war movement in Russia.
Worker-communist Party of Iran
24 February 2022
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