On 6th March 2019, retired steelworkers of Mobarakeh Steel Company in Isfahan, Iran, marched from the city centre towards the provincial governor’s office and protested against non-payment of their pensions and lack of access to services such as healthcare.
The retirees chanted: “Yesterday’s industry workers, today’s fighters”, “It’s a lie that the enemy is in the USA, it’s right here”, “Liar Rouhani, resign, resign”, “Mullahs have stolen the retirees’ pensions”. There was a significant presence of women in the protest.
Tweet: “Yesterday’s industry workers, today’s fighters” #retired #SteelWorkers in #Ahvaz, #Iran, chanted in their march #WPIranNews #FightForLife #Retirees #RetiredWorkers #NonPaymentOfWages
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