On 5th November 2018, workers of Ahwaz Steel National Group in Iran held an assembly to protest the non-payment of their wages for three months.
The workers gathered in front of the corporation’s offices and demanded the immediate payment of their unpaid wages.
After the protest, the workers went to the corporation’s assembly hall, demanding answers from senior directors of the Ahwaz Steel National Group, which forced Mr Nemati-Nejhad (member of the board of directors) to attend the assembly.
Mr Nemati-Nejhad made some promises but the workers said they have “heard it before” and announced that if they are not paid by the end of the week they would resume the protest.
Non-payment of wages isn’t the only issue the workers face. The workers of Ahwaz Steel National Group (over 4000 workers) have been protesting their working conditions for months. This year alone the workers and their families protested in July, August and September and had a strong and united presence in the main streets of the city Ahwaz.
In September, the workers managed to free their arrested colleagues. They also played an important role in developing ideas for the formation of independent workers’ councils to have the power to decide over their own fate.
#WPIranNews #FightForLife #WorkersAssemblyInIran #SteelWorkers #DelayedWages
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