Once again the people of Afghanistan have fallen victim to one of the most barbaric regimes the world has ever seen. For twenty years, the Western governments, and primarily the USA, were in control, but what they created in the end was a backward, Islamic and ethnic government. All the while, they empowered the Taliban, and in the end with the collaboration of the region’s reactionary states let it loose once again on the people of Afghanistan.
With the takeover by the Taliban, millions of people are running for their lives, girls have been thrown out of universities, women and young girls (children) have been forced into marriage with Taliban fighters, political activists and journalists are on the run, women’s hair salons and leisure centres have been shut down, even women’s images on walls have been erased, and anything with any sign of civilisation and femininity is being wiped out. A climate of fear and terror is once again reigning. The few hard-won gains of the people, and especially those of women, are giving way to the absolute barbarity of the Taliban and the government of political Islam. And this is just the beginning of the catastrophe.
However, what distinguishes Afghanistan today is the existence of a large body of women and men who will not yield to the Taliban’s Islamic Emirate and its stone-age laws. Slogans such as “We don’t want an Islamic Emirate”, which have been chanted at large protests by Afghan immigrants in Iran, Germany, USA, Switzerland and other countries, demonstrate the depth of people’s revulsion for Islamic government and Islamic laws. The people of Afghanistan do not want a religious and ethnic state. They want freedom, welfare and security. They want a civilised society. They want to live like human beings and to be free from the Islamic savages and all the reactionary forces who have created so much disaster for the people over the past few decades.
We must support the people of Afghanistan with all our power. We should join the protests taking place in various countries around the world, and organise more and bigger ones. The Western governments and international political bodies must be put under pressure so they would not recognise the government of Taliban. The people of Iran, in particular, who are preparing a revolution against the head of the political Islamic monster, namely the Islamic Republic of Iran, can play an important role in both Iran and outside Iran in strengthening the new movement that has been started by the people of Afghanistan.
The Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI) wholeheartedly supports the rightful protests of the women and men of Afghanistan, and calls on the people of the world, women’s rights activists, defenders of secularism, opponents of political Islam, trade unions and all humanitarian organisations and activists to support the people of Afghanistan against the barbaric Islamic government of Taliban.
Worker-communist Party of Iran (WPI)
17 August 2021
Related links:
The World After September 11, Part One: The War of Terrorists
The World After September 11, Part Two: Where is the ‘Civilised World?’
The World After September 11 Part Three: The Demise of Political Islam
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