Which way is Venezuela heading?
Venezuela is once again witnessing the deepest economic and political crisis. All-round economic recession and stagnation, hyperinflation, unemployment, food shortages and lack of medicines have brought the society into a state of economic paralysis. Politically, too, the current conflict has split the ruling class and the state into two hostile factions, paralysing the state. Two “presidents”, two wings, each grabbing on some power organs of the ruling class.
This polarisation within the ruling class in Venezuela is also reflected globally. Western governments have announced their support for Juan Guaidó, the ‘president’ of the pro-Western nationalist bloc; and the governments of Russia, China, Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran are supporting Nicolás Maduro, the president of the anti-American nationalist bloc.
What is the nature of this economic and political crisis and polarisation? Which way is Venezuela heading?
Venezuela is in a political and economic paralysis. 10% of the 30-million-strong population of Venezuela has taken refuge in neighbouring countries in recent years to escape poverty, economic disaster and famine. The IMF predicts a 10 million per cent inflation for this year. The street battles between the rival poles, as well as the justified protests by the people, have driven the Venezuelan society into a turbulent period.
In response to this situation, the Worker-communist Party of Iran highlights the following points:
1- People have the right to protest in the face of the dire economic situation and the limitations on political and individual freedoms. People have the right to demonstrate against Maduro’s government, responsible for the poverty, misery, famine and astronomical prices, and to demand fundamental changes in the existing economic and political situation. People have the right to take to the streets to demand welfare and social and political security. We defend the people’s “No” against the current situation and their justified protests for a life worthy of human beings in the 21st century.
2- Contrary to the claims of Chavez-Maduro’s advocates and proponents, this government has nothing to do with socialism, workers and the working people. Politically, it represents anti-American nationalism, and, economically, it defends and relies on a kind of state, bureaucratic capitalism. This economy has now reached a total dead-end and become bankrupt. Cyclical crises, which as a result of government intervention in the economy in the beginning of Chavez’s rule had been pushed back, as well as hidden unemployment, government-set prices and government-subsidised industries, have in the last few years led to economic paralysis, mass unemployment, staggering inflation and idle industries. This economic situation is the result of the economic failure of state-owned and bureaucratic capitalism in Venezuela.
3- The pro-Western nationalist faction, led by Juan Guaidó, does not represent people’s “No” in the face of this catastrophic situation. On the contrary, it is a deeply reactionary and right-wing tendency. The economic and political policies of this faction are based on economic austerity and neo-liberalism, and are an attempt to shift the burden of the economic crisis onto the masses of the working people. This faction, relying on Trumpist reaction and its international allies, wants to transform Venezuela into the backyard of the United States.
4- The desperate attempts of both factions of the ruling class to recruit from society, the armed forces and militarist groups in favour of their faction, the involvement of the reactionary states of the world in the current developments, and the dragging of these conflicts, could destroy the fabric of Venezuelan society and trap people in a bloody and horrific scenario. Trump’s threats of using military action give a glimpse of the bleak future that these forces are offering society. If continued, this situation could turn Venezuela into another Iraq in Latin America.
5- The street protests and demonstrations are not confined to the showdowns of the two ruling factions to settle the current crisis in favour of one or the other faction of the ruling class. The political struggle in Venezuela does not have only two sides. The masses of the working people make up the other side, the third side. In this battle, we defend this third faction; we defend the rightful protest of the people; we defend welfare, social justice, eradication of poverty, misery and deprivation; we defend freedom and equality for all. Although this force does not have a distinct political representative at the moment, every degree of progress and wellbeing of the people depends on the organisation and growth of the camp of communism and workers against the current situation. Welfare, happiness and a bright future in Venezuela depend on the activation and efforts of this force.
The Worker-Communist Party of Iran calls on all freedom-loving and progressive people to stand up to the terrifying scenario that both factions of the ruling class and their international allies are offering to the impoverished people of Venezuela.
Worker-communist Party of Iran
27 January 2019
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