Daily Politics



Ending Terrorism is our Task

Key Literature

A Discussion with Mansoor Hekmat Question: Thousands of people have lost their lives as a result of terrorist attacks on the skyscrapers of the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon Building in […]

Islam and De-Islamisation

Key Literature

  Interview with Negah publication, January 1999 Negah: The existence and conduct of Islamic groups and governments in the Middle East and North Africa in recent years have instigated disagreements over how to deal with […]

On the Fight against Religion

Key Literature

  Interview with Radio International Azar Majedi: In a recent interview with Porsesh magazine you said, “secularism is a set of minimum conditions”, and that [you] “do not want just secularism, but a conscious fight […]

Islamic Terrorism

Key Literature

Mansoor Hekmat A wave of Islamic murders has engulfed the Middle East and North Africa. The victims of this wave are the most ordinary of ordinary people. In Egypt and Algeria, they shoot at and […]

When Political Power is in Our Hands

We will declare the end of any religious state forever. We will put an end to the interference of religion in the lives of the people, in the education system and in the judiciary. We will abolish official religion and declare religious belief or non-belief a private affair. We will end any kind of state or religious intrusion in people’s personal beliefs and private lives. The next state in Iran will be a secular, free and equal one.

Logo of Worker-communist Party of Iran

Our stand on nuclear issue:

 The nuclear installations will be dismantled and all weapons of mass destruction will be destroyed. Relations with Western societies will be promoted; science and progressive culture and civilisation will be welcome, and along with the humanitarian people of the world, progressive political, social and cultural values and the rightful demands of the people will be defended against reactionary states and movements.

Logo of Worker-communist Party of Iran

Coronavirus and capitalism in the world

Visual History of 40 years of saying NO to the Regime Gender Apartheid

by Patty Debonitas

UK bans degrading hymen surgery

The UK is banning virginity tests and surgery to recreate a woman’s hymen, criminalising these procedures or bringing women abroad to have them. A necessary step to end some of the endless ways in which […]

Political Prisoners


Press Releses

A Call on the Authorities of the ILO

  CC: The International Transport Federation (ITF), Education International(E1), IndusriALL Global union, The International union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Caterin, Tobacco and Allied Workers, Association (IUF), and the International Trade Union Confederation(ITUC) and all […]


by Patty Debonitas

UK bans degrading hymen surgery

The UK is banning virginity tests and surgery to recreate a woman’s hymen, criminalising these procedures or bringing women abroad to have them. A necessary step to end some of the endless ways in which […]