On 10th March 2019, a large group of retired steelworkers of Isfahan Steel held an assembly and protested against non-payment of their pensions, bonuses, and the dire situation of their welfare and social services. The retirees say no to wages below the poverty line and demand adequate healthcare.
Despite the heavy presence of armed police, the protesters carried on and chanted slogans such as “No Syria, No Gaza, Retirees’ pensions” [with reference to the billions that the Islamic Republic sends to Syria and Palestine for its Islamist allies] and “It’s a sad day today, pensions of the retirees are under Abaya” [with reference to the billionaire Ayatollahs].
The retirees had also protested on 4th, 5th and 6th of March in central Isfahan which attracted lots of attention from the public.
Tweet: Fearless retired steelworkers in Isfahan, Iran, protest against non-payment of wages despite heavy police presence #WPIranNews, #FightForLife, #NonPaymentOfWages, #Retirees, #RetiredWorkers, #SteelWorkers
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