“First rial, then negotiation.
This was not an accident. It was a crime against humanity.
We do not forget.
These reports are false.
We do not trust the officials of the Islamic Republic.
Hussein Salami must be in prison now.”
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These were the chants of some of the families of the victims of Ukraine 752 Flight, who protested in front of one of the offices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Tehran on 20 October 2020, as the Ukrainian and Islamic Republic delegations were negotiating. One of the demonstrator objected to Mohsen Baharvand, an official of the Islamic regime’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for calling the victims “martyrs”. Another attendees said that if there was any honesty, Salami, the IRGC commander, should have been in prison by now. Thus, the families of the victims of the Ukrainian flight loudly and clearly voiced the people of Iran who seek justice.
A government that has been committing crimes against the people for the past 41 years and even deliberately targeted the innocent passengers of a plane must not be invited to any negotiation. It must be overthrown and its leaders prosecuted for crimes against humanity.
From the commanders of the IRGC and Khamenei and Rouhani who decided on this crime to the one who fired, the officials who lied for three days to cover up the crime, the officials who threatened and harassed the families of the victims, the prison guards who threatened the families of the victims with rape, and any official who somehow had a role in this horrific crime, should be exposed and brought to justice one by one.
At the international level, a government that has committed such an unprecedented crime and has been committing crimes for 41 years should not be recognised and must be expelled from all international forums.
These are the heartfelt wishes of all the people, and they must become the explicit and open demands of the people and all the organisations, institutions, public figures and personalities. Also with the intensification of the struggle of the people of Iran to overthrow this regime, international political pressures on the Islamic Republic must expand.
The people neither forgive nor forget. Neither this crime nor any other crime of the Islamic Republic can be forgotten. Only the overthrow of the Islamic government and the trial of its leaders will heal the countless wounds of society.
Worker-communist Party of Iran
21 October 2020
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“This is not a human error, but the ‘error’ of a system that kills and denies”.
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